Friday 12 October 2007

Home again...

Here I am, back in Scotland. Actually I've been here for a few weeks, but it takes me about that long to get jet lag totally out of my system...

Since I've been back I've been to IKEA twice, spent a lot of money buying furniture, and have just generally enjoyed setting up house. My parents have sent us FIVE boxes of wedding presents, so I'm hoping that everything will arrive safely.

When I first arrived in Scotland I was really depressed. I guess it all came down to wedding let down. I've spent the last million months planning for this thing, then it comes, and it only last less than a day! Think about it... half a day is really really short in the grand scheme of things. I wish that the party could have lasted a few days more.

So I come back here and I'm feel like 'that's it? that's what I've been looking forward to and planning for so long? It was great, awesome, but now it's over'. I'm over it now, but it was hard for a few days.

But, like I said, I'm feeling better. I've applied for a few jobs, one that I really really really want, and Malcolm and I picked out a new car for me today! Woo Hoo! Take that Matt! I finally have my own car. And it's green!

So, keep your fingers crossed that I get a job, make some friends, and generally find 'normal' life again soon. I can't wait!

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